Veciana, Stella and Norton, Dan (2014): "Challenge Yasuní"
"Challenge Yasuní-ITT" is a travelling exhibition. The first one "Challenge YASUNÍ-ITT: Development Research and Buen Vivir" was shown February 25, 2014 at the Center for Development Research in Bonn at the conference "Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research - New Partners for Development Work". The exhibition was supported by the organizers Forschungswende Plattform, Bread for the World (BfdW), the German Commission for UNESCO and the Center for Development Research (ZEF).
The second version, "Challenge YASUNÍ-ITT: Think Tank", took place in the context of the event "Buen Vivir. The Right to a Good Life" on April 28, 2014 at Bread for the World (BfdW) in Berlin.
The third exhibition presentation "Challenge YASUNÍ-ITT: The Future of Democracy" was part of the international conference "Resource Exploitation and the Future of Democracy in Latin America" on May 13 and 14, 2014 at the Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBS) in Berlin.
The forth exhibition "Challenge YASUNÍ-ITT: Degrowth" was presented during the Degrowth conference from September 2nd to 6th, 2014 at the University of Leipzig .
The fifth exhibition "Challenge YASUNÍ-ITT: Who owns the raw materials" took place from November 2nd to 16th, 2014 in the frame of the "Entwicklungspolitische Tage in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" at Grünes Büro, Stralsund.